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About Benco

  • Birthday 01/12/1973

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  1. Hi Pigments is wavetable synth as well as few other synthesis engines. In Logic there is some sort of wavetable synth (Retro Synth), but it is very limited. Serum is also wavetable, but doesn't have the other synth engines as Pigments Omnisphere is sample based. Falcon is also sample based, but also has many synth engines. Similar in a way to Alchemy. Falcon has a bigger library and third party support especially if you have the subscription by UVI. Any Instruments has its pluses and cons. Also they sound slightly different. Pigments is probably the best option, because you don't have such a synth in Logic. All the others are achievable with Logic Instruments. Falcon is another great option in my opinion.
  2. Hi This problem is connected with the double notes new bug in Logic 10.8 Probably you are using instrument that sends MIDI out. Try with one of Logic's Instruments. Another option is to disconnect the Sum bus in the Environment and connect each MIDI bus separately. Hope it helps
  3. I went back to 10.7.9 for now All works there. Hope they'll fix it soon.
  4. Hi I have some problem with few Soft Instruments such as Arturia Pigments and mini Freak, GForce Oddity 3 and others too. Logic always record double notes and sometimes other MIDI messages like Program change, Pitch bend, P Aftertouch. All these plugins worked well in 10.7.9 I updated today to Ventura and Logic 10.8 Can someone else confirm the same issue. Thanks
  5. hi There is no such a thing Plug In pre amp. It's not possible. All the so called Pre Amps in UA are post processing after the converters. Basically what they do is adding some EQ, compression and distortion trying to simulate the sound of pre amp. This can be achieved with any plugins (EQ, Comp, Distortion, Saturation) They call it Pre Amps but it's not how pre amp work Real pre amp is an Amplification and/or Impedance change. If you connect a Mic into line level input, no matter what pre amp plug in you put, it never gonna make it work. What you need is to use an Analog Pre Amp of some kind. It can be build in your sound interface or separate one. hope this helps
  6. I got it Eric For some reason I was thinking that the on/off is also switching the channel strip on or off Thanks
  7. hi I open Drummer with one of the producer kits (So Cal+) When I open the track stack and put the on/Off button to off, it's still playing that channel. Actually any of the on/off buttons in track stack doesn't work, Only the on/Off of the Track Stack is working As much as I can remember it was not the behavior in previous versions. Is it a new bug, or they changed the feature in a way I can't understand? I also created track stack with 2 Instruments and the on/off doesn't work on them too. The on/off works as expected on regular channels but not in Track Stack.
  8. Benco


    oops Sorry, my mistake . Yes the pan is like in Logic. Thanks Eric for pointing that
  9. Benco


    hi 1. Yes the Pan in Main Stage doesn't have the true stereo as in Logic. It's basically Balance for stereo channels. 2. When you import audio file in MS it doesn't bring the channel strip information with it from Logic. It brings Tempo and Markers information only. If you want the channel strip settings you have to save them in Logic as preset and then you can open that preset in MS in Logic click on settings at top of the channel strip and choose Save channel Strip Settings As . Give it a name. In MS you'll see the saved settings in Channel Strip Library/User Channel Strip Settings
  10. hi You have to choose Flex Pitch only The other flex modes (monophonic,slicing etc..) are for time stretching
  11. hi Select the sample then go to edit/Repeat Multiple In the box choose bar and number of times you like to repeat it
  12. hi Try in Alchemy File/Refresh Library
  13. hi Check in Preferences that Latency Compensation is set to ALL Preferences/Audio/General and of corse try to trash preferences hope this helps
  14. hi I think your question is somehow not right. "Why does logic automatically find preset names ?Because Cubese automatically finds Library preset on tracks I believe you mean why Logic doesn't find preset names. If thats so, Logic uses different files for presets than Cubase. Logic can't read Cubase preset files. hope this helps if I understood your question right
  15. hi It works the same for CC too. Copy, Paste, open event editor and change the controller number under the num column. When you paste the new events are automatically selected in the event editor hope this helps
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