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  1. Thats the environment though, not the mixer. And who wants to deal with that environment with it's bad 90's graphics and clunky workflow 🤣
  2. I think it hilarious for anyone to suggest humans have "AI". Intelligence requires consciousness, and we're no where near creating an artificial consciousness.
  3. This has been a request for decades, literally. I feel your pain.
  4. Sad but true. Unfortunately I'm (trying to be) a professional... 🤣
  5. Yeah too right. And personally I was never able to get anything usable for a professional job out of any stem separation - even the latest iZotope one. Maybe the Logic one will be better, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out they just licensed the same algorithms from iZotope....
  6. Ugh, more instruments and plugins.... This doesn't look like much of a major update to me. When are they going to update the mixer? The faders and meters are far too small and the scale is such that it encourages you to mix far too hot. You can't group insert parameters. You can't copy sends by dragging and holding alt. You can't have RMS or digital VU metering. It's a shame to see logic go the way of amateur music creation with more instruments we don't need, rather than the direction of a professional mixing and editing DAW - it is so close to taking over from pro tools with a few tweaks to some of the more technical aspects of audio engineering rather than all these gimmicks.
  7. If this happens I'll almost exclusively use Pro Tools I think. I probably won't pay another subscription. For a Mixing workflow one of Logics strongest points over Pro Tools is its price point and it's control surface support. Otherwise, it's missing a few really great features that pro tools has.
  8. Yeah, I can confirm the "+" no longer works 🥲
  9. Ah, when the lines between bugs and forgotten features become blurred! I think only the developers could give us an answer! Either way, you should be able to I think. Worth dropping them a request I suppose.
  10. For example, if I increment that last "position" number by one, thats equal to 13 samples. I can see this my looking at the main time display. It shows Hours : Minutes : Seconds . Samples and under it shows bars beats etc... That last position number seems to represent a beat sub-division not actual samples.
  11. Yeah I got that, it's definitely moving it by more than samples though... That last number definitely doesn't represent samples. At least not in my projects.
  12. Actually, this doesn't seem to be moving it by samples... It moves too far.
  13. Even better, thanks! Saves me having to use spotlight as a calculator 🤣
  14. I'm just going to revive this thread and update it for anyone else looking for a quicker solution. In Preferences -> Display set your main time display to Hours : Minutes : Seconds . Samples Workout where you want your region to be in the timeline. Take your playhead reference position (for many this may be 01:00:00.00000) and add or subtract the number of samples you want to move. Put your playhead there by dragging the samples portion of the main time display. So if I wanted move the region by 87 samples, I'd hover over the samples section of the display and drag up to 87. Select the region and use ";" to move it to the playhead position.
  15. Absolutely! They did at least sort out the latency with busses/aux channels a few updates ago but I can't help but fell the whole PDC concept needs reworking in Logic.
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