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  1. Really, no shade intended, sorry if it landed that way. I've never had the issue of 'it's corrupted' in all of the issues/instabilities I've had with Melodyne.ara and LPx. Let's hope they fix it...Cheers!.../s~
  2. yup, import/export is common, but with each DAW using protocols specific to it. If I follow your described workflow you record a track/file in LPx, edit it with Melodyne.ara, and save it by/when you close the first LPx session. You then open another LPx session and import that track/file into the new instance of LPx. In this situation you will have imported the original source file and not the Melodyne edit file. The Melodyne edit are not lost, just not imported along with the source file. I have never tried your workflow as described above. When moving from one session to another, either on the same machine or another (at hand or remote), I will bounce the track down with Melodyne active and preserve the edits that way...hth.../s~
  3. Melodyne needs to manage its "own files," I've never had any luck otherwise. I don't know the specifics of your workflow and am not sure what you mean/intend when saying "importing meldyne tracks." I use Melodyne.ara extensively for all sorts of things, but doing so is a challenge these days and requires some "caution" to not loose edits. But it can work. Maybe describe your workflow in detail and a workable solution can be suggested...Cheers!.../s~
  4. Almost everything I do these days within track stacks. The first track is the "source," which can also be a "take folder." Those following are typically used for timing issues, eq, compression, etc. The last one of those with the modifications is bip'ed down and can be used for Melodyne...ymmv.../s~
  5. This tread is quite old, both Logic and Melodyne have evolved considerably, while the incompatibility seems to have persisted. Your approach of "baking" a source after using Melodyne is as valid today as back in the Stone Age. Hopefully this gets sorted out at some point...Cheers!.../s~ ps: fwiw, none of this nonsense occurs when using Reaper
  6. hey @Alex_oz thanx for the followup. Not sure what "the Media folder" refers to, but given the current situation with ARA/etc. I've been having Melodyne save to whatever location it chooses. My individual composition file structure has grown to include several other dir/folders beyond those created/needed just for LP itself...Cheers!.../s~
  7. @David, indeed the issue was "software monitoring" being "off." I don't recall switching it on/off at any point, since the delay/echo is not workable...thanx for the tip...Cheers!.../s~
  8. Actually in this case it's the same player on different guitars, with different tunings, on individual channels/tracks. This configuration worked as expected awhile back during a different session. Now, no bueno; but it's been months and a couple of "updates" since then. I will have to check/confirm "software monitoring." Typically, SOP, I don't. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll let you know...Cheers!.../s~
  9. Yes, the question is...after placing the tuner on the channel how to have the tuner respond to the signal input. Oddly every thing else works as expected, meters, recording, playback, etc. But the tuner doesn"t respond. Not my first rodeo and I can't find the "magic button" in any of the settings...Cheers!.../s~
  10. I would like to place a tuner on each guitar channel because frequently the players are in the same key but use altered tunings. It's a workflow thing.../s~
  11. ...'bypass all plugins' would have bypassed the instance of melodyne as well...hth.../s~
  12. @atson67...same here, so close but no banana. My "backup app" has been Reaper, and a much reconfigured workflow in LPx...fwiw,hth.../s~
  13. ARA works under Rossetta as expected. So when I get to a point that I need tuning/etc I switch to the emulation. But, honestly I'm not sure I notice any real difference otherwise...and I forget a lot...(sigh)...I've learned to use Melodyne on just about everything, vocal tuning is now the least of it actually. AAR, you can work out whatever works best you in your need...Cheers!.../s~
  14. ...fwiw...LP10.8.? and Sonoma worked just fine on the mbp.i9. Melodyne.ARA was/is still not native, but that was/is a well know situation. I upgraded to Sonoma In anticipation of the move to the mba.M2, otherwise I might not have bothered..../s~
  15. No worries. I used an i9/16g/1T mbp from 2019 up until last Dec. when I did a trade in for an mba/M2/16g/1T. I had some "downtime" and the unit was available as a referb from Apple. The mbp was loaded exactly as you describe yours and it worked perfectly. No problems at all. So as long as you don't really need the "newer" features in LP you should be good to go...hth.../s~
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