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  1. One thing you should understand is this: there are 2 kinds of audio files - compressed and uncompressed. Uncompressed means that the data is not changed at all, it remains in exactly the form it was captured in, which is what we (music makers, producers..etc) tend to want to work with to make sure there is no loss in quality while we do it. Compressed means some of the data in that file format has been removed to make it smaller (hence 'compressed') but there also might have been compromises made in the actual sound, kind of like what MP3 does by taking out the bits of sound it has calculated we won't hear. That's called 'lossy' compression. The other type is Loss-LESS compression, where the quality of the audio is not compromised but the size of the file is reduced. The way all the DAWs work is that they will convert all compressed files to a format it can work with, and by that I mean uncompressed files. Everything will be turned into either a WAV or an AIFF, they are 2 main uncompressed audio formats. When you dragged your MP3 into Logic, it turned it into an uncompressed file (if you're working in a saved project you can find the converted file in the Audio Files folder of your project), and that's what it will be doing the reverse operation (and all other edits) on, not the MP3, even though it might still sound and look like it. The information you got from reddit about it only working on MP3s is utter rubbish, and perhaps they should read a manual or 2! Also, one thing which sometimes catches folks out is that there are limits about which Inspector operations work with each other. So if you've done something in the FlexTime territory, you won't be able to reverse it because of the way Logic handles FlexTime edits (or commits if you want to speak computery). Ultimately, if you're doing something like repitching or stretching the file in anyway, the Reverse function won't be available. You'd be better off pitching or stretching your file, ctrl-b (bounce in place) to create a new file and then you can reverse that. hope some of that helps!
  2. I mean, you're missing the point of the strip-back operation; it's about isolating the problem. The assumption isn't that it's an overload thing which is causing your problem, it's about making sure that there is nothing else which could be interfering with <your expected outcome>. Corruption can happen in completely mysterious ways. Literally. Computer do lots of things to make sure that when they're passing the numbers around the processes, all the numbers are transferred correctly, but there will always be occasions (even with some of the biggest, most expensive software in the world, which I've worked with) when data just doesn't get handled as you'd expect. Sometimes it's just certain combinations of things done in certain orders that exposes problems which wouldn't have previously been observed or experienced.. Computers _mostly_ do what you ask them, but every now and then numbers go wrong, in places we can't see, which then affects stuff you _can_ see. The folks in this forum know _aaalll_ the tricks to getting Logic working, or, how to hone in on what _might_ be the problem so it can be recreated and reported. You might not like the process of problem determination, but this is how we have to do it or the product doesn't improve. And that's all we want really isn't' it.
  3. I feel like I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm going to. Software is complex. Software which was originally written approx 20+ years ago is a absolute nightmare to maintain. There will _always_ be bugs (which is why forums like this can help pick them out, and ultimately report back to Apple - whether they choose to address them or not is out of our control) and there will always be corruptions of user files; this is computers. And the more complex the program, the more potential there is for bugs and corruptions. This is a community of users, mostly very experienced users who have used this software for many, many years, possibly like yourself Frankenhaus! Some of us experience problems others have also experienced; other folks discover issues no-one else has ever come across, usually as a product of their workflow and the ways they choose to satisfy their creative urges. Your problem appears to come under the latter. If you're not willing to accept the investigations, workarounds or solutions provided here, it's difficult to know what you actually want. David's suggestion of deleting all the tracks apart from the problem tracks is very reasonable, and something some of us do as normal practice in order to diagnose a problem. Elimination of extraneous stuff leaving only 'the problem' is often the easiest way to work out what's gone wrong. If you want to solve the problem, go down the same path we all have to go down when we're solving technical issues, which is what your issue is. You can be as angry as you want about the program, and your problem, but it won't fix itself. Sorry, I had to say it. The folks here are trying to be helpful (and they _know_ this product) but your tone and language doesn't sound like you understand that. Or maybe you do and you're just having a bad day! 🙂
  4. Glad to hear you it's been solved! My pleasure 🙂
  5. I wanted to solve this as well, but I did not want to have to handle MIDI data leaving Logic, so I figured we can do it this way (as described in the video linked below). In a nutshell, make an instrument track, load a stock plugin which has a sidechain you can monitor, set that as you need, and now you have a MIDI FX audio channel!
  6. If you press down the notes you've programmed, Logic will display the closest chord interpretation in the Transport.
  7. I run 10.5.1 and my buddy runs probably the latest version, 10.8.1? I can quickly and easily drag a file into Sampler, add loop points and export (overwrite) that file no problem (from the Edit menu in Sampler) My buddy on <latest version> seems unable to do this. Is this broken for everyone?
  8. Like Atlas007 said, Logic's ability to do a successful Flex-Pitch operation on auido material is highly dependent on the material being 1. monophonic (only one voice/ solo instrument), 2. clean (no reverb or any other effects, including background noise) and 3. well-performed.. It's why some of us end up on Melodyne; it's a bit less picky about the material it successfully analyses 🙂
  9. The only thing I can think of which 'stops' side-chain stuff happening is running in Low-Latency mode, but you'd know if it was running and should be able to associate that with this issue Is it stopping in exactly the same place every time? If so, I'd look for an automation thing you didn't know was written? I've no idea how your project is setup, but I think these are good places to start 🙂
  10. Hehe, I do like new information 🙂 I just can't figure out how it was enabled; I never would have pressed it! And I can't find any way to enable it with a key command either.. very strange..
  11. Ah, ok I found the drop-down in the plugin GUI where we select Editor or Controls also has an entry for Articulation, and it was ticked! Unticked.. all good. Hope this helps someone else 🙂
  12. I can only assume I hit a shortcut key which has enabled an entry on my plugin GUI (not all, only one) which gives me an option to select an Articulation set. Does anyone know how I can get rid of it?
  13. Please delete this if necessary, it isn't a question.. I just wanted to post a 10-minute video I made about a trick I re-discovered (and possibly even actually requested from Apple as it appeared after I sent a feature request asking for Phase control of the waveforms) which focuses on generating random values on every keypress using the MIDI FX Modulator. It can generate gentle chaos or mind-numbing maximum modulation depending on your desires. Anyway, wasn't sure where to post it so it ended up here 🙂 I hope someone finds this useful 🙂
  14. Automation! You can see the yellow Automation line for the Volume in the screenshot you posted, create another Automation lane in that audio track, and automate the Pan move you want from there. https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/logicpro/lgcpb1a1ea03/mac
  15. Thanks David, it isn't my machine it's running on - their machine is at one of the later OSs. And yes, all regular scrolling on the other machine, mouse and trackpad, works fine.
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