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script to reorder controller plugin parameters


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I came across the post http://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=54956 and I was excited to find out that I can reorder plugin parameters for controllers in Logic Pro, but it seemed like a very manual process. So I've been working on a script to simplify the process of reordering plugin parameters when using a controller with Logic Pro.


I've attached a zip that includes a README and a 'cspreorder' script that you run in the OS X Terminal app. 'cspreorder' is a python script, and it allows you to modify the CSParameterOrder.plist file for logic plugins and third party plugins. This allows you to reorder the plugin parameters for Logic controllers.


NOTE: I've only tested this on OS X 10.8.5, Logic Pro v9.1.8, with a Mackie Logic Control and a Mackie C4, but I believe that this script will work the same with Logic Pro X and other controllers.


The simplest way to use this script is to copy the 'cspreorder' script to your home directory (i.e. Users/) and then run the cspreorder script from the directory of the plugin that you want to reorder.


The CSParameterOrder.plist for Logic Pro plugins are locatd here..

Users//Library/Application Support/Logic/Plug-In Settings/


The CSParameterOrder.plist for third party plugins are located here..



So here's how to get started:

1. Copy cspreorder to your home directory (Users/).

2. In the OS X Terminal app (located in Applications > Terminal), run the following commands..

~/cspreorder -h (this shows the syntax for running the various commands).

~/cspreorder -i (this shows you some more detailed instructions on how to use the script).


3. In Logic, open the desired plugin, and use the 'Save Setting As…" command and name the patch "#default" (don't include the quotes). In Logic Pro 9, this creates the CSParameterOrder.plist that the cspreorder needs.

IMPORTANT: In Logic Pro 9, I have to save this patch again and "replace" the original one in order for the CSParameterOrder.plist file to be created.


4. In the OS X Terminal app, change the directory to the desired plugin folder..

cd ~/Library/Audio/Presets//


You should see a CSParameterOrder.plist file. Use the following command to copy the CSParameterOrder.plist to CSParameterOrder.plist.default to use the cspreorder script:

~/cspreorder -v


5. Run the command below to show the instructions to see the syntax for using the script:

~/cspreoder -i


In short, these are the commands you'll use the most often:

~/cspreorder -d (this displays the DEFAULT parameters of the plugin)


~/cspreorder -a (this displays the ACTIVE order of the plugin parameters)


~/cspreorder -r "1 2 - - 3 4, 5 6 - - 7 8" (this sets the new order of the plugin parameters)


Note: you don't have to use all the default parameters; the numbers in the -r example command are the parameter IDs that you can view when running the -d option; parameters need to be separated by a space, and pages need to be separated by a comma, and a dash puts no parameter in that parameter slot.


I'm going to put together a screencast as soon as I can to show how to use this script. In the meantime, feel free to try it out and give me any feedback.





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