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Score Editor: Staff Styles

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I know this is an old chestnut but having just finished a long Arranging project  for 2 gigs with a  9 piece band  - the first time I have done this all in Logic X ( as opposed to L9 for years) here are some requests I would like to make again. 


Also let me put these requests as positively as I can with regard for the powers that be at Apple and Logic and in the  context of them taking on a few new ideas.  I dont have the skills for massive big band/orchestral arrangements that the likes of Ski and Jay Asher but Logic is still in my humble view the pre-eminent programme to combine recording/midi and scoring especially at the more modest levels of arrangements for small bands/lead sheets/pop and jazz and funk etc


In the school where I teach in London which has a very strong music specialism - all the students use Logic X on iMac to do their GSCE and A level work.. but virtually none of them use the Score Editor!!!   And none of the teachers really know how to use it either, or are that interested.. because if anyone wants to do a score or leadsheet or any simple part they use Sibelius. 


 * * * 


I have been somewhat of a lone wolf pioneering use of Logic for everything - some of the jazz students wanted  to learn say a  Snarky Puppy tune  - Lingus.  So I Beat Mapped the whole track, arranged the horns.. and then gave them the Logic Project to them on flash drive to study for themselves..  some became interested in how to use the Score Editor.. but to my knowledge there dont seem to be ( unless I am ignorant) videos designed for basic users of the Score Editor in terms of Arranging tasks ( notwithstanding the great Score Editor videos Ski has made). 


 * * * 


The system I have been using for years to make scores from tracks is to first Beatmap the Song accurately - and then with a mixture of step input and playing in live on a keyboard to build up an arrangement for parts of the score. 


This has fantastic advantages - maybe lots of people do this already - say you want to absorb or learn or understand a phrase - or musically learn a particular part.. if it is all beat mapped and in time, you can see it, read it, hear it.. understand it perfectly from a learning and playing point of view.- I learnt Coltrane's solo on Little Melonae on the harmonica and recorded on an album via this method - would not have been possible without Beat Mapping and Logic Score Editor)


So what we need from someone -  Ski ? ;) 


1) A simply video on how to beat map - like step by step starting from scratch and turning it into an Arrangement 

2) A simply video - on how to produce a Lead Sheet 

3) more and more complex videos on how to use the Score Editor with Beat Mapping to Arrange horns, drum parts etc 


All this if properly supported by Apple could enhance massively the direct educational benefit and commercial viability of Logic in schools and educational institutions and replace Sibelius in many ways..  



 * * * 


In the context of saving time as well - we need for the Score Editor: 


A - Rehearsal Letters as GLOBAL OBJECTS linked to markers - this would make navigation so much easier

B - We need to be able to Memorise the features of a part  and save them in a Screenset - ie you do a Trumpet Part - you have set up all the bars and line layout and done loads of work. You save the pages of the Score as a TEMPLATE and then cut and paste the Tenor part into it.. change the Clef etc score style .. then you do the same with the TROMBONE but you need the basic layout features to remain identical line breaks etc

C - in terms of revising the Score Editor when you do a part: a procedure needs to be set out about exactly what you do in what order.. at the moment it is just every person on their own figuring out what to do and finding their own method. And not knowing whether what they cant do is a feature of their own ignorance or the crankiness of the Score Editor or the bugs of the Score Editor or of their own computer... :) 


If somehow Apple could realise what a great feature they have in the Score Editor - and invest some considerable time and expertise in revising all the clunky buggy bits of it.. I am sure I and many others would be in heaven. We have been requesting this for years.. there is no reason to give up hope! 


The enhancement so far and the good intention is appreciated but seriously .. we need a MASSIVE upgrade no? :) 


Would be great to get some debate going about this which might influence future developments





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