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Saving chanel strip not saving bus assignment


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Hi David,is there a way to just save an AUDIO track with sends without having to create track stacks and all that? thanks

The auxs are not saved when you save a patch or a channel strip setting. The sends' values are, but not the aux itself. So for example, if you have Bus 1 sending for example -5 to an aux where you have a Reverb, the send value is saved when you save a patch, but the aux with the Reverb, doesn't. It's something we all wish Apple will fix eventually, but for now, only by following the workaround David pointed out.

That goes both for a Software Instrument or Audio track

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Hey guys,I get the (save as patch) I use several templates with at least 3 AUX  1rev/Lexicon 2 rev Abbey road 3 Delay tape pre loaded so any time I recall this "track stack" it ads those auxes again.Self defeating for me. I hope apple lets us save "sends" on ANY track regardles of bus scheme.


I believe that Logic will check if the auxs are exactly the same. Maybe the plugins on the template and on the saved patch are not 100% the same therefore Logic assumes it needs to create another aux. let's say you have aux 1 with the stereo delay as 1/4 notes. And the patch you saved is 1/8 notes. Even though it's the same aux and plugin, the fact that the settings are diffeeent, Logic creates a new aux. it makes sense to me, since I don't want a patch to use other settings than the ones I saved it with or I don't want the plugin on the aux to change based on the patch I saved. Please check those settings and see if they match 100%. I guess even a slight change will cause logic to create a new aux. let us know :)

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