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Logic X causing my ears to ring. (Tinnitus)

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I'm not all too familiar with the term DAW.


DAW = Digital Audio Workstation

Some other DAWs are Cubase, Pro Tools, and Digital Performer.


You said in post #3 of this thread:

...due to the fact that Logic is making me go deaf...


So you are no longer asserting that Logic is definitively the cause of your tinnitus?

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I try to be calm and rational while several of you continue to try and bring a rise out of me. Anything for attention just like my song I'm writing. It's mind boggling how similar the dilettante child like characters are to the guy in my song.


You need proof. You don't make any since. Screwy to even ask such a thing.

To all you people who keep stating over and over Logic isn't the case while you hasn't given me any proof otherwise.


You can all K _ _ _ M _ A _ _


You go ahead see if you can figure out what the missing letters are. See, I can bring a rise out of people just as well.


And to the few of you that have tried to help. I thank you. You're a rare breed.

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Dude, enough is enough, you are making far more than a fool of yourself. Also, you deny stuff you have actually literally written earlier. What are you, an American president?


You are causing your tinnitus. The tension in your head is causing your tinnitus. Or your tinnitus is caused by whatever is also causing your antagonistic way of communication. I am serious, it is not meant as a putdown: you should get help.


You claim Logic does it, the burden of proof is on you - your incredulity is irrelevant.

In my ten years on various Logic and music fora I have never ever heard anyone claim their software damaged their hearing - because they all know that it is not sound that does damage, it is LOUD sound that does - and it doesn't matter where that sound comes from, chainsaw, Adele, Def Leppard, Logic, playing drums or jet engine. Too loud, and it will damage your ears. Not too loud, and it won't.. People here do know more than you about these things, yet you behave like you're the second coming of Jesus to music. You don't know what Hz means, you don't know what DAW means, you link to articles that you clearly misinterpreted, and so on and so forth.


Give it up already and visit a doctor. And please don't argue with his/her (professional) opinion. Try to listen.

Edited by Eriksimon
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(Attention, to all of you whom this concerns. You know who you are!)



I knew the opium epidemic was out of control in this country but I'm now seeing first hand just how bad it has become. Remember drugs aren't the right kind of inspiration for trying to create music. We have lost too many great talented musicians throughout the years through the use of drug abuse. Don't let you become the next statistic! I seriously hope all of you get the much needed help that you all need. Your desperate cries for help is simply too much for me to bear. I can't help but to weep while I write this. It's sad. It's just really really sad. I say this while whipping the tears streaming down my face. I'll be praying for each and every one of you. Now I realize my problem with dealing with Tinnitus. Just how insignificant it is compared to what most of you are dealing with. God bless you all.

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fisherking, my above comment was particularly for you. Please check yourself in, get the much needed help that you seriously need. I'll be praying for you. God bless you.


it's impossible for logic itself to be the cause, and that's a fact. there is nothing in the app that could do this. it's silent until YOU fill it with sound. a fact is a fact.

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When you notice your tinnitus getting worse after making music it is advisable to turn down the volume lower to that extent that you can barely hear all your instruments. Then go a lilttle higher in volume but not much.

It also depends on the speakers you are using. Some speakers are way more powerfull (even with volume low) than other speakers.When I first noticed tinnitus, the first month the hyperacusis was really bad. After I made some decisions like: not going to places anymore where they use big soundsystems; and - taking lot of ear-rest (don't visit places with loud noise) the hyperacusis is less.


I'd suggest to try other speakers on a low volume and to mix with your studio monitors.


Hope this helps. Good luck and don't think too much of it.

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