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Weird and frustrating flex time behavior... (Solved)

Cornel Lazar

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Hi all,


I'd appreciate some insight, if possible. I'm editing live drums using the flex time slice algorithm, and I'm encountering very frustrating behavior when creating manual flex markers.


I've done all the usual (tweaked transient markers on the q-ref tracks with group off, set up a drum group with editing and quantize-locked settings on, then turned on flex and quantized to 16th notes). Kick, snare, and toms are the q-ref tracks, but the transients have been carefully edited on each track for accuracy.


Once I try to manually edit flex markers by clicking and dragging just one transient, Logic decides to seemingly randomly create a LOT of other flex markers all over all the grouped regions (not just what you see in the capture, but throughout the regions). This makes it almost impossible to edit without going through the whole track over and over again to delete markers that keep getting created. See here:




It's very possible that this is user error, or incorrect settings somewhere, but I can't figure out what it is. In all the youtube videos I've seen on flex timing drums, I don't see anything similar happening. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Edited by Cornel Lazar
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Depending on where you grab the flex marker on the vertical line the tool will change. If you grab towards the top it will grab a bunch of markers or everything after that marker and move them.

If you grab towards the middle, you will get three triangles on the tool and that will highlight one marker before and after to keep everything else in place.

That's the flex behavior I'm used to. Always has been like that.

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Thanks for the reply. This isn't an issue with the tool though. As you can see in the gif, I'm grabbing towards the top, which normally would MOVE everything in-between the previous and next flex marker, and create one manual marker. I don't have an issue with that.


The problem I'm having, which is what I've tried to show in the gif, is that when I create a manual marker, regardless of the tool, Logic creates MANY additional markers throughout the region, both before and after other manual markers that may exist. It creates these markers apparently in a haphazard fashion, not even on transient markers that exist in other tracks. Hence my frustration :)


If you look closely at the gif, you'll see that the transient markers have already been moved via quantization to 16th notes. However, my issue happens whether I quantize or not.

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You're right, that does not happen when the group is not on. However, I need the group on in order to edit multi-tracked drums :)


All the regions in the grouped tracks have carefully edited transient markers. HOWEVER, while troubleshooting this issue, the only thing that I could think of messing with is the group itself. Even though this SHOULD not matter, I removed unused drum tracks from the drum group (i.e. drum tracks that have no regions on them... these unused tracks exist from the template I'm using). Lo and behold, Logic is no longer creating manual flex markers all by itself... As I've said before weird. I don't see why Logic would care about any tracks that have no regions in them, but obviously something unexpected in the flex algorithms is happening in this scenario. I guess, for now, my problem is solved.


Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.

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  • 4 years later...

I'm having similar issues, and there are no group tracks empty of regions.
Using the flex tool in the top half of the region SHOULD stretch everything between that and the next marker on either side (useful for just nudging the timing of a long section) but when using flex on grouped (quantised locked) tracks, it stretches everything to the left, but treats the next transient marker to the right (dashed line) like a manual flex marker. 

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