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Logic Sampler - adding sustain pedal noises to sampled piano


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HI all,


I'm trying to add sustain pedal noise samples to my sampled piano. I have the noise recorded for pedal on as well as pedal off.

I want the appropriate noise to be played when I press the sustain pedal on and off.

I have set the Group "enabled by controller" to CC#64 and set to On.

The samples are in the Zone area, but they only want to play when I strike a key in that zone.

I just want them to play when I press the pedal...and I can't figure out how to do this. Hmmm...


Thanks in advance and for your patience...

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Pressing or releasing the pedal will not trigger samples in Sampler. However, you could write a short script to put into a Scripter MIDI FX which converts CC64 127 and CC64 0 into two separate, short notes which then can trigger the correct noise samples in Sampler. You could do the same with a Transformer in the Environment, although Scripter lends itself better to storing the entire Patch (Scripter MIDI FX and Sampler Instrument)
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Thanks, Christian...and I found a script that Eric Cardenas wrote here that does just that, however the sustain pedal stops acting as a proper sustain pedal. It will only generate a note on event...


I'd like it to generate a note on sample, note off sample and continue to act as a sustain pedal.

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Thanks, Christian...and I found a script that Eric Cardenas wrote here that does just that, however the sustain pedal stops acting as a proper sustain pedal.

I suppose you're referring to that script: Sustain pedal transform to note on AND note off?


I'm sure someone knowledgeable in scripting could easily modify it so that it duplicates the sustain data before transforming it?

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Try this:


// Auth: Eric Cardenas
// dCre: 2016-10-13 11:38
// dMod: 2016-10-13 11:58
// Appl: Logic Pro X
// Task: Converts Sustain Pedal to Note.
// Tags: JavaScript, Logic
const TITLE = "ECFF - Sustain to Note v 2.0";
const AUTHOR = "Script by Eric Cardenas & Fuzzfilth";
const NOTES = MIDI._noteNames;

function HandleMIDI(e) {
  if (e instanceof ControlChange && e.number == 64 && e.value > 63) {
       if (GetParameter("Sustain")==0) {
     } else {
      if (e instanceof ControlChange && e.number == 64 && e.value < 64) {
          if (GetParameter("Sustain")==0) {
        } else {
function PedNote(pitch, velocity){

var PNote = new NoteOn;
   PNote.pitch = pitch;
   PNote.velocity = velocity;
   PNote.velocity = 0;

function ParameterChanged(p, v) {
  if (p == 1 ) {

var PluginParameters = [{
   name: TITLE,
   type: "text"
}, {
   name: "PedOn",
   type: "menu",
   valueStrings: NOTES,
   defaultValue: 36
}, {
   name: "VelocityOn",
   type: "lin",
   numberOfSteps: 127,
   minValue: 0,
   maxValue: 127,
   defaultValue: 90
}, {
   name: "PedOff",
   type: "menu",
   valueStrings: NOTES,
   defaultValue: 36
}, {
   name: "VelocityOff",
   type: "lin",
   numberOfSteps: 127,
   minValue: 0,
   maxValue: 127,
   defaultValue: 90
}, {
   name: "Sustain",
   type: "menu",
   valueStrings:["pass", "block"],
   numberOfSteps: 2,
   defaultValue: 0
}, {
   name: AUTHOR,
   type: "text"


I've added a separate note for the release of the pedal and the option to block or pass Sustain events.


Now you can play the bass to "Turn It On" with your foot...

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You fellas are awesome...I'm going to try it.

I don't know JavaScript, but I can kind of see what's happening...

Thanks fuzzfilth and David!


To fisherking...thanks but I want to build this for myself to see my little project through.

I already have Keyscapes...but thanks for turning me on to Pianoteq...they sound amazing as well!

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  • 2 years later...

Great program fuzzfilth! If anyone had the same feedback as myself- To avoid double-triggering the "pedal on" noise if your expression/sustain pedal can do more values than 0 or 127 (i.e. when you press and release the pedal you get something like 127, 38, then 0 which would double trigger), just change these lines to tighten the range: 

function HandleMIDI(e) {
  // Change the value at the end of this line to tighten the tolerance
  if (e instanceof ControlChange && e.number == 64 && e.value > 126) {
       if (GetParameter("Sustain")==0) {
     } else {
     // Change the value at the end of this line to tighten the tolerance
      if (e instanceof ControlChange && e.number == 64 && e.value < 1) {
          if (GetParameter("Sustain")==0) {
        } else {

I just made it >126 and less <1 so it will only fire on 127 and 0! 

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