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Strange VCA behaviour


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I'm on the latest logic.

When I create a VCA for selected tracks - the VCA is created right of the master in the mix window.

When it lives there - movement of the fader moves the faders of the tracks it's assigned to.

Not shown in the video is that if "Latch" is clicked - all the tracks change to latch and if the fader is moved on the VCA during playback all the automation is written on to the individual tracks and also the VCA track. 

So in this scenario the faders and automation are linked. 

Then if I "create track" from that VCA so I can have it close to the tracks in both mix window and main window it acts differently (and more how I thought should) - ie the VCA controls the track volumes without moving the faders and any automation only happens on the VCA track. The behaviour also changes from scenario 1 to 2 if you create a new track and then add it into the current VCA group with the VCA fader still right of the master. 



Am I right in thinking that the 2nd configuration here is how it should actually work and is there any reason for it acting in 2 different ways?

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In the video all tracks that are moving are selected, quick wild guess here.

Try unselecting any faders you would not like to move in any case.

Maybe you can focus more in your description as you bring in latch mode, positioning of faders and more. In the video you show the behaviour with read mode.

If you condense your workflow to certain aspects one at a time, sometimes the solution appears itself.

Edited by Byhxx
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