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Notes and rythym

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do you mean when, lets say a melody, has "x" number of note but a rhythm of "y"





melody - C-D-E

rhythm- quarter-quarter-quarter-dotted quarter-eighth-eighth




soooooo much easier to do in notation....matrix edit just gave me a headache =,(


but I too don't remember what it's called. But I remember learning about it studying Messiaen - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Messiaen#Symmetry.

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It's called 'diminution' and 'augmentatio'n when you shorten or lengthen, respectively, the note values of a theme or motive. If you're playing the notes in a backwards order it's called 'retrograde'; if you're playing them upside down it's called 'inversion'; if you're doing both at once it's called 'retrograde inversion'. The order doesn't matter if you're dealing with pitch class sets, but is very important when dealing with serialism. If you're borrowing material from another song, it's often called 'quotation', and if you're changing parts of it, you are varying a theme... most likely.
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