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Synth lead and synth guitar

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Hello to all.Just wanted to contribute with these two simple cst sounds.


The "Fuzz synth guitar" is good to go once downloaded,

the other one is missing the full effect. To get it right, send it to a bus pre fader with an A Verb on it, send to about -9db and lower the instrument fader fully, then play with those levels. Blend to taste and, enjoy.


This is my first upload so tell me if all goes wrong to fix it :lol:

Synth lead and riffter.zip

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Hey man, sorry for the slow response, but here's some feedback. Hopefully these ramblings will make up for some of the lack of commentary in the thread so far...


"Industrial Dark Lead"


My biggest issue with this channel strip is the name, haha. It's a great lead and fairly industrial, but it's not dark at all, it's quite bright in tone. A bit moody perhaps with the slow reversed delay and springbox reverb, but definitely very treble-y and clear as opposed to subdued. If you want to make it what I'd call a "dark lead" you could turn down the texture and tone on the Monster Fuzz.


But semantics aside, it's good stuff. I feel like the EVP88 doesn't get a lot of love, but in my opinion it's one of the best instruments for creating guitar-esque lead sounds in combination with various plugins, and this .cst definitely demonstrates this ability. I love the long reversed delay on the pedalboard. If you turn up the mix on the springbox even more the lead really get's lost in the echo, which is quite beautiful.


My only slight caveat is that there's no movement between the stereo channels, leaving the sound not as full as it could be. There's nice width thanks to the reverb, but even the slightest modulation added with a phaser or chorus really makes it fuller and more complex. Don't increase the EVP88 chorus or tremelo to achieve this though, put something after the pedalboard, as the pedals will nullify the effects based their reprocessing of the signal. Also a stereo delay instead of the pedalboard delay could liven things up, although you'd loose the reversed echo, which is a really great feature. It depends on your taste, but on space-y bright lead sounds like this one I really enjoy stereo effects and modulation, as it accentuates the trippy factor...


All in all, great sound though, perfect for some neo-Vangelis noodling around a solo, going nuts with the pitchbend.


"Fuzz Synth Guitar"


So this .cst brings up a personal issue I have when designing channel strips. I am personally not a fan of using the "Amp Designer" plug-in. As much it may be useful in recreating some classic guitar sounds, I feel that in general it defeats an advantage that the the digital age has given us, namely the ability to add effects and record a guitar-like sound without having to boost the signal with an amplifier, which ultimately always results in a loss of sonic quality (due to the unequal processing of the input signal frequencies, which gives each amp it's unique sound and feel). If you deactivate the "Amp Designer" on this channel strip the sound immediately gets fuller and more visceral, as the important components of the creation of the guitar-like sound are in the pedalboard (the grinder and fuzz).


Also, the phaser effect does little to nothing at it's current position in the pedalboard chain. It's important to recognize the effects that the order of the pedals has on the signal, especially when distortion/fuzz/grind effects are use, as these pedals will often render effects like phasers, flangers, choruses, and tremelos almost null. Placing the Phasetripper after the Grinder and Monster Fuzz is a very different sound, and one I personally find more interesting and dynamic.


The ESP preset does a good job in providing the appropriate backdrop for the guitar effects. In most cases I'd tell you turn the maxed-out attack, but the click it provides adds to the analog feal of the guitar sound, as it evokes the hyper-sensitivity of a guitar pickups turned way up.


In general I found the sound to be a lot less interesting than the first, mostly because it's really easy to get the same sound by running a whole variety of instruments through heavy fuzz and distortion. Because they have such a dramatic, degrading effect on the signal, these effects will make most things sound similar to a heavily distorted guitar, which is a quite familiar to most people's ears. Obviously it depends on the kind of music you want to make, but personally I prefer to get less conventional with the sound.



Obviously, designing sound is a matter of opinion - there are no hard rules. I hope, then, that I maybe gave you some things to think about. Anyway, let me know whenever you'd like some feedback or tips or something on the topic of designing instrument or channel strip settings, as I really enjoy thinking critically about the process and sharing what I've learned over the last few years.


peace dude,



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Wooooohoooooo!!! Fukin feedback.

Thanks Sam for that rather deep analysis. I'm new to Logic and sound design, so any help, recommendations are valued. The term dark was born out of an uneasy feeling I got when I stumbled upon the sound, so I'll be more mindful of naming in a more descriptive manner.

As for the ESP sound, I think the phaser ads just a bit of randomness to the sound, but I'll definitely experiment with the effects chain. I was going for a harsh, in you're face, maybe unpleasant sound(a la NIN) to blend with my electric guitars and/or cut through and overpower the mix at points.

You shure know you're s#!+, and I'm greatfull. I'll be posting more stuff soon.

Any tips on designing drones with lots of texture and movement? Maybe hint towards a good plug for that sort of thing?

Muchas gracias loco.

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