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How to adjust the grid to the bars in real time?

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Hi there,


I was wondering if it is possible to have the grid follow the bars in real time, with the time-line moving in constant speed. So that the time is displayed correctly. There is a way, but the grid follows the milliseconds.

It would be neat if the grid becomes denser if the tempo increases, because there are more bars in that period of time. That would make things better if you edit with moving pictures. So the grid could be divided by bars, but the time is displayed in a horizontally constant way.

Anyone know of a way?



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Thanks Camillo.


Either I didn't explain the question right, or I don't understand your answer. Or you didn't understand the question, or you didn't formulate the answer right, but let's not get philosophical.

What I meant to say, was that the grid in the Arrange has the same division in bars by default. So each bar has, let's say, 2 cm of space, even if the tempo is higher or lower. So if you change the tempo at a certain point, the bardivision graphically stays the same spacewise, and the playhead goes faster when the tempo is slower, because there are less bars per time-unit, and there is less time for that space to run through. But in this way it seems as if the time runs faster there, which is not the case obviously.


There is another way. You can change the way time and bars are represented in the upper right corner somewhere, and you can let the time be a constant factor. That is what I want. BUT the thing is that the grid follows the seconds. It is not practical to edit on round seconds. Nobody needs that. At least not me. What I would like is a timeline which is relatively constant, so the timeline moves at constant speed, and the bars should be visible in the grid. This would mean that if the density of the grid would increase, this indicates that the tempo is higher there.

When working with film, this would come in handy. Time is a constant factor, and it would help if it would be graphically visible to work with it. The grid being divided in bars.


Maybe this is a topic for suggested features for logicX, but I still don't know if there is a way.

Hope I'm clear in my explanation.

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So each bar has, let's say, 2 cm of space, even if the tempo is higher or lower.

This depends on your zoom setting. Bars can be any width you want from tiny to larger than you can fit on your screen.


But the thing that you want (if I understand it) is for bars to shrink when the tempo is higher? Sure, that would show you when the tempo is greater but for the sake of clear and consistent editing, I think I'd prefer that bars are displayed at a constant width. I'd find it distracting to have different bar widths displayed on the Arrange at the same time.


If I want to see where the tempo is changing, I just open the Tempo track. Or I just remember it.


So if you change the tempo at a certain point, the bardivision graphically stays the same spacewise, and the playhead goes faster when the tempo is slower, because there are less bars per time-unit, and there is less time for that space to run through. But in this way it seems as if the time runs faster there, which is not the case obviously.

It's true that there would be less bars per time unit when the tempo is slowed down but in fact the playhead moves slower when the tempo is slower because the bar takes up the same space on the screen, while taking up more time. So it seems that the pace of the playhead is doing a good job of showing tempo changes - moving faster when tempo increases, slower when it slows down. And all because of those pesky consistent bar widths!


Maybe you are right, that having the bars change width according to tempo would be useful somehow but I really don't get how. Serious film composers might want to chime in on this one....

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