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Controlling a transformer parameter via MIDI controller?


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okay so I used a bunch of transformers to correct the erratic velocities of certain keys on my PCR M30 (it was lying in a someone's garage for 2 years, most keys were gone, I opened it, cleaned, and brought it back to life) and now I can say I have a useable midi controller again! the only prob with this is I have one transformer for each "messed up" key G2 F#2 etc and so when I transpose with the PCR's octave shifters, all my assignments go haywire. I found I can insert a last transformer to transpose the keyboard keeping my "corrections" intact, however my question is, any way to assign the operator in this transformer to MIDI control, so that I can assign a couple of those buttons on the PCR to control the octave shift WITHIN the transformer? I'm trying to get the effect of the octave shift buttons on the PCR without actually pressing them. I've been trying for hours without success but I'm sure there must be a way..



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Yes, you can change the internal values within transformers using Meta Events. From the Logic Manual:


Using Meta Events to Control Condition and Operation Values

You can control the values of any transformer conditions or operations by using meta events. Meta events are internal Logic Pro messages—their form is similar to MIDI controller events, but they have no MIDI meaning, they never leave Logic Pro, and they control internal Logic Pro parameters.


Like MIDI controller events, meta events have two data values: the first one indicates the type of meta event (49 to 127, but not all are used), and the second one is the event value (0 to 127).


Meta events 122 to 127 affect transformer parameters.


Meta event #127 sets the first (top) operation value.


Meta event #126 sets the second (bottom) operation value (if available).


Meta event #125 sets the first (top) condition value.


Meta event #124 sets the second (bottom) condition value (if available).


Meta Events have a MIDI channel as well, but you should only use Channel 1

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Sure. Here's a total crash course in meta events. Click on the picture so you can see the whole thing without having to scroll it.


Suggest you set up exactly what I have shown here for experimentation purposes. Create:


1 New > transformer

1 New > Fader > Specials > Transform Op Parameter 1

1 New > Fader > Specials > Transform Op Parameter 2


The top part of a transformer is called "conditions", the bottom part "operations".


In this transformer I've selected Range for data byte 1's operation. Focus only on this for the moment. Note that it has two values. The top value will change in response to Meta Event #127 messages, the bottom to Meta Event #126 messages. Note in the screenshot how the values of the faders correspond with the values shown in the Operations field.




If the function you select has only one value that can be changed (such as Add, Fix, Subtract, etc.) you will not need Meta Event #126 events at all. Meta #127 will change the lone value field.


Now focus on the second data byte's operation of Fix and you'll see that it also has a value of 34, matching that of the first data byte. What this demonstrates is that if both data bytes are assigned to any function other than Thru, Meta Events (in this case #127) will change BOTH operation's values simultaneously.


Experiment with this for a while so you get the hang of it.


Then try a corollary experiment with Meta Event-generating faders that will affect the values for the data bytes in the Conditions field.


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thanks so much man i did your example, read up the manual, I had this cool idea : you hit the octave+1 button on the edirol, it sends a message to a fader that can increment the 'condition' value in the following transformer by +12, so that the transformer performs the velocity corrections on the correct notes. now setup two buttons, one for + and one for - and cable them to all the 'velocity correctors' and that should work! from the manual :



Bang! Causes the fader to resend its current value. The bang data value can be used to make the fader increment-without-rollover (127), decrement-without-rollover (125), increment-with-rollover (123) or decrement-with-rollover (121). Use values one less than those shown to have the bang passed through to all connected faders.


and what about the object 'bang 2nd fader'? what does that do? I'm pretty sure this is the solution except I can't get the bang fader to do increments like it says is possible, how do you set those 'data values'? all I need is a way for a midi message from my edirol to change the value of a fader by + or - 12, and I can't get that to happen.

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thanks, turns out the octave buttons don't send anything, but I can assign a couple other buttons to send out any CC, the buttons on the edirol have latch mode and toggle mode so i can choose, latch mode sends out an on when you press it, and an off when you release it, sounds like the one to use. look forward..
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woah that beast works beautifully, haven't tested it with my edirol yet but its doing exactly what I want. I just really really don't get all those transformers man, that is some serious environment work, you are a genius or something. but do I need all of that complexity in my case? THANKS..
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Tested in my studio... GREAT! works, I just put the thing before my velocity correctors, and viola. One prob, the buttons were responding to both 0 and 127 so the octave shifter would go twice with every button push, so I put a couple a transformers to remove the 0 events and done!


thanks again dudes..

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sure man, and guess what, from the 'knowledge' gained in the process of cleaning, fixing, and correcting my old edirol with the environment, I've since employed some funky velocity transformers on my Yamaha P60, making full use of its effective velocity range with add, mult, exp, and WOW i'm enjoying playing my main board again! highly recommend everyone do this. cheers..
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