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    MBP M1 v14.1 LGP 10.8.1

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  1. https://support.apple.com/en-euro/109503
  2. Thanks, I saw a video about agency issues with the hover state showing sample values but couldn't figure out how to get that on my copy -- very confusing. Also, not all my plugins expose latency info -- anyone know why this might be the case? Is it as simple as not being any latency to report?
  3. Yeah, when I popped open Logic to double-check I realized that was the symbol they were going for -- thanks again!
  4. Hmm, ok, when you wrote "loop the loop" I was imagining the symbol for infinity. I don't think I've used one of the Apple loops since doing the exercises in your book -- thanks much!
  5. Sure thing, thanks! Not my file or I'd look at the file format.
  6. Having a hard time finding this in modern documentation -- what does a single line over which there are two circles mean? Thanks!
  7. I've reported it to Apple via https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro/ but would appreciate it if others who are also affected by this make the same report in the hopes of expediting a fix. Thanks!
  8. I guess the workarounds include deciding upon and sticking with your amp/efx choice for the audio before turning it into a Live Loop, or bouncing the loop back to the tracks view in order to preview different effects settings and then re-adding to the Live Loops section.
  9. I realize that my initial post was a bit scattershot, so I've created two new demos to show the problem focusing on the loop disruption. The first is with Logic 10.8.1 demonstrating the problem and the second is the project running w/o problem in 10.7.9. Anyone else seeing this?
  10. I thought I'd further explore the Live Loops feature in Logic, so I recorded some guitar, selected a region to loop and copied that part of the region to a Live Loop cell, which worked as expected. Then I decided I wanted a different guitar sound, so I selected a few from the Library and weirdness ensued -- as shown in the video, with each newly selected patch on track 1, the cycle length changes. Some patches remove the waveform display but you still hear it. This is on 10.8.1 on Sonoma 14.2.1. On 10.7.9 the loop length doesn't change but the disappearing waveform still happens in certain patches. Changing patches of a running loop doesn't seem to be a problem with software instruments. Is this a known issue I've overlooked?
  11. Thanks for the additional info -- makes another case for having a healthy amount of RAM.
  12. Does doing so result in locked files? EDIT: Looks like it.
  13. Realized I had a copy of Logic on my old MBP and confirmed that the cycle length reset doesn't happen with 10.6.3, so it's def a bug, just don't know when the bug appeared -- it was present in 10.7.9 so it's not new to the 10.8 builds. I've reported it to Apple via https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro/ but would appreciate it if others who are also affected by this make the same report in the hopes of expediting a fix. Thanks!
  14. Nope. ;( I found a post here from 2015 that covered the same issue. I've only been a Logic user since 10.5.x but generally chop up all my vocal parts into phrases so never noticed.
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