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Autopunch: not recording before punch-in locator


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According to the documentation, Logic Pro (9) starts recording 1 bar before the punch-in locator when you're doing an autopunch recording. However, my autopunch audio files seem to start exactly at the punch-in point. If I try to drag a region to the left of the autopunch area, nothing happens, and the file in the sample editor exactly matches the autopunch area. Anyone know why?
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According to the documentation, Logic Pro (9) starts recording 1 bar before the punch-in locator when you're doing an autopunch recording.



Where exactly did you read this?


Recording before the defined autopunch area defeats its purpose, because the idea is to keep whatever you already had on the track (if you had anything) before and after the autopunch area you define.


Also, a new region is created that matches the defined autopunch area , that's why when you open it i the sample editor it's the same size.





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It's in the Logic Pro 9 user manual:



Logic Pro will begin recording approximately one bar before the punch-in locator. This allows the start point of the region to be adjusted later, enabling you to hear the lead-in, if desired.



The idea is that if your autopunch area turns out not to be ideal, for example if you get half a breath at the beginning of a vocal take, you can retrieve a bit more of the take. But it doesn't work for me. Of course you can always start the punch from a bit earlier, but it saves time to get the punch right if you can. In theory a region should be created the same size as the autopunch area, but the underlying audio file actually begins earlier. At least I think that's the way it should work.

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It will only work if: 1. You have a Count-in or Pre Roll set and 2. If, when you press record, the playhead is stationary and either to the right of the punch-in area, or less than the length of the Count-in/Pre-Roll to the right of the Punch-in Locator, or positioned directly on the Punch-in Locator itself.


Simple really, I don't know how you guys could have missed it. :wink:



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Not sure what you mean by that..... In my situation I am starting with the playhead positioned right at the start of the punch in area. Once I hit record it moves back a bar to the left and I do get this pre roll area recorded as long as I'm on a subtrack (new track with the same channel strip).


Woah... did you just edit your post? Not sure what I'm responding to here! :lol:


Time for bed.

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What a shame. This restriction totally defeats the point of this potentially great new feature that remember putting on the wishlist 2 years ago.


Autopunch should always record an extra bar at the beginning so we can adjust later. A lot of recording situations work like this: musicians play along in record ready for 4,6 or whatever bars, then we punch in.

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What a shame. This restriction totally defeats the point of this potentially great new feature that remember putting on the wishlist 2 years ago.


Autopunch should always record an extra bar at the beginning so we can adjust later. A lot of recording situations work like this: musicians play along in record ready for 4,6 or whatever bars, then we punch in.


What would be the purpose of it recording something you don't tell it to record? Until they integrate thought-activated recording (which would be awesome), it only makes sense that it records what specify it to.

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Gathering from these replies I realise that this feature will never implemented properly as no-one seems to understand its potential usefulness.


I use Logic for a lot of orchestral sessions. Say you want to drop in at bar 26. I will play from bar 22, perhaps next time from 24 only, for the next drop in at bar 48 we'll have an eight bar or even 16 bar pre-roll. To constantly change and backwards-count the count-in seems very complicated, and also a great source for errors.


Why would I want to record something I don't tell it to record? It has been mentioned above: It's great to be able to adjust the edit point slightly to the left, if necessary, later on.


What I normally do at the moment is this: We drop in for bar 26. I actually also make the punch-in locator at bar 26 minus 2 frames. For the musician and for us in the control room it'll sound like they've punched in at bar 26. If they have attacked bar 26 slightly before the bar line, we can still use the original attack. If they come in bang on time we'll just move the edit point back to the bar line.


Some automatic recording before the autopunch would eliminate this faff.

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  • 14 years later...

In Pro Tools quickpunch records before the punch in locator, while you are hearing the original audio on the track.  This is great, e.g. when the vocals do some unexpected magic while singing along with the original track, before the punch in, or when there' are breath issues.

I just want to be sure that this isn't possible in Logic.  Unless you activate the Record pre-roll. But then you don't hear the original track.  

Of course I could always record on a new track, and then select Pack Take Folder.

It's just something I find in Pro Tools to be handy, and was wondering if this is possible in Logic.



logic punch in.png

Pro Tools punch in .png

Logic record pre-roll.png

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