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How does the Logic Pro Mastering Assistant dynamics compare with Ozone?

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I've previously fumbled around with Ozone to attempt some degree of basic mastering and now I'm trying to understand how exactly the loudness knob works in the Logic Pro mastering plugin.

I assume it is essentially a master buss compressor with automatic gain adjustment? It will squash the signal until it meets the loudness target, right? So if you push it too far you won't get clipping but you'll get nasty compression artifacts? I think that's what I'm hearing.

So does that make it different from Maximiser in Ozone, for example, which is a limiter? When I set the threshold too low on that I get lots of clipping instead.

So would I be correct in thinking that Ozone and Logic MAs take quite different approaches? Ozone MA doesn't even insert a compressor module by default for me, if I want one I have to add it myself. But Logic puts one straight in? I'm wondering why they've taken these different approaches.

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