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Has Apple abandoned Logic???

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Development on Logic has ceased, we are all being crossgraded to GarageBand!










People who know the answer to your question would almost certainly be under an NDA, so like the rest of us, you'll just have ta wait...

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in answer to your question, yes they are still alive. The Logic 9 Beta is out so it should not be too long now.


I hope v9 concentrates on bug fixes!


Although, *sigh*, I still think Apple should've bought Opcode and used their StudioVision user interface instead of the kludgey Logic one.

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in answer to your question, yes they are still alive. The Logic 9 Beta is out so it should not be too long now.



well this great news if true?.. and slightly annoying at the same time considering we'll have to pay for this next version..? would be nice to get a free update before 9 with bug fixes and other enhancements!.. money hungry apple perhaps but we'll soon see.. hopefully!?.

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Although, *sigh*, I still think Apple should've bought Opcode and used their StudioVision user interface instead of the kludgey Logic one.


Whether Apple or another company, as a long time Vision user I certainly can agree. I do miss working in Vision. I tend to wonder, however, if the technical limitations of working with built in synths, sampler, drums and effects would negate all of the things I liked best about Vision - opening as many sequences as needed and the player/queue.


Still, if you learn a few key commands, Logic is not "kludgey" IMHO. One of these days I will probably change the Record key from its Logic default location over to the Tab key.......where it belongs :).

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My copy of Logic 9 will be free or I am seeking legal advice on a class action lawsuit. I didn't spend 500 bucks to be a Logic 9 alpha tester... To me logic is unusable in its current state. It has far too many crippling bugs. (read example below) When Logic 9 comes out apple, in my mind, has 3 options.


1) give logic 9 to every logic 8 owner

2) issue a MASSIVE maintenance update for 8 users

3) prepare for a class action lawsuit.


You can't sell software, not support it or issue maintenance updates, and then just roll out a new version and expect people to just forget about how you stole their money promising a solid professional product and then not BY ANY MEANS following through. (a professional product not only relies on the product itself being properly coded/tested, but also on quality support when there is an issue.)


Last night I was editing. I trimmed the back of a region only to have the very next region disappear from the arrange page (this seems to happen a lot in no overlap mode). Note that I DID NOT EVEN SELECT the region that disappeared. Then I said "oh crap" and pushed command-Z... NOTHING happened. So then I say "oh well the track is all titled, I'll just go pull it from the bin." BUT, I then realized that the missing region was part of a comp, thus upon flattening and merging the comp, the region was renamed to "comp 1" which 'coincidentally' matches the name of EVERY OTHER COMP in the bin. HOW THE f*%@ AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND A 2 SECOND AUDIO FILE IN MY BIN OF ALMOST 500 AUDIO FILES? You can't even search the bin for things like record time or even date.



Am I really the only one who feels wronged here?

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/probable dream :?


I don't imagine you have ever bothered to read the licensing agreement....I know I never read Apple's legal agreement....knowing that once the software is installed, there is nothing much we can do. Occasionally, one can get a refund from a company or dealer but it's probably better to be reasonable and express frustration than threaten lawsuits at least until you find out if your claim is actionable.


Apple did lose a class action suit filed by a buyer of the Performa series who thought he was getting the '040 25mhz processor with the FPU. It must have cost millions for attorney's fees and in the end purchasers of the Performa all got a new '040 WITH the FPU. Of course, by then the computer was long obsolete.


Oh, did you look in the backups to see if the missing region is still in it?



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I'm hoping for an upgrade, and I'm hoping it will be impressive.


But even if there is an impressive Logic 9 release 'soon', I'm pretty disappointed with 's track record. Personally, I'd like to see more of a dialog between the developers and the user community, more frequent updates, get a feeling that they care, are listening and responding to the needs of their users and the market.


I'm not really getting that feeling at all. 1 'big' release every 2 (or more) years doesn't give me warm-fuzzys.  seems more focused on the very casual users (GarageBand).

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It is very clear that Apple does not have its priorities set on the Pro-Audio side of things, they are more of a commercial-consumer oriented company, selling gadgets, laptops, and other non-Pro Audio related applications. That's what they sell the most, and make the most $$$ with. Logic Pro is most likely way down on their priority list. (I love my iPhone, iPod, and Mac Pro) :D


I used LP7, and LP8, for the last three years, but, I recently added Cubase 5, and feel that I have invested in Yamaha/Steinberg's product line, where they have music Pro Audio applications, and Music/Audio hardware as their #1 Priority, not iPhones, iPods, and iBlablabla. They respond to their customers with a human touch, where Apple is a ghostly, corporate figure, with an arrogant attitude.


EMagic/Logic the original developer of Logic, had the best support, and development focus in the industry, but, this is way back in time, I was using DP at the time, but was quite impressed with Emagic as a company, but, now that Apple is in charge of LP things are just getting worse, and I'm not expecting any miracles to occur, even if LP9 is released, IMHO, this does not change the big picture, its just a new cycle that will repeat itself.


If Apple was to create a Pro-Audio division, that can really provide the support, focus, and fast development, including the participation in trade shows (like the rest of this Pro Audio Industry), offer a Pro-level communication, and feedback to their customers, focus on developing their own Pro Audio hardware, then, and only then would I feel that things have changed to the better.


For now, I work with Cubase 5, and find it more intuitive than LP8, it offers better work flow, advanced audio, midi, and many advanced features that are not available in LP8, or even in other DAWs on the market, cross platform compatible, Advanced Integration with Yamaha HW, the list goes on.

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This is the stupidest thread I've ever seen on here.


The Logic team aren't Ableton and have never been. There's not going to be a new, minimal but full-priced update every year and thank f*%@ for that.


I'm happy if we get a new Logic by September 2010.

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My talks of a class action lawsuit are extreme, sure, but come on. I don't give a f*%@ when the next major release of Logic comes out. I don't even care if they never add a single feature EVER. I JUST WANT A (FREE) MAINTENANCE UPDATE TO MAKE LOGIC 8 WORK RIGHT, AS IT WAS ADVERTISED. PERIOD. I feel like I was wronged and like I wasted nearly 2 years learning software that has no future, and no support.


It is very clear that Apple does not have its priorities set on the Pro-Audio side of things, they are more of a commercial-consumer oriented company, selling gadgets, laptops, and other non-Pro Audio related applications. That's what they sell the most, and make the most $$$ with. Logic Pro is most likely way down on their priority list. (I love my iPhone, iPod, and Mac Pro)


I used LP7, and LP8, for the last three years, but, I recently added Cubase 5, and feel that I have invested in Yamaha/Steinberg's product line, where they have music Pro Audio applications, and Music/Audio hardware as their #1 Priority, not iPhones, iPods, and iBlablabla. They respond to their customers with a human touch, where Apple is a ghostly, corporate figure, with an arrogant attitude.


EMagic/Logic the original developer of Logic, had the best support, and development focus in the industry, but, this is way back in time, I was using DP at the time, but was quite impressed with Emagic as a company, but, now that Apple is in charge of LP things are just getting worse, and I'm not expecting any miracles to occur, even if LP9 is released, IMHO, this does not change the big picture, its just a new cycle that will repeat itself.


If Apple was to create a Pro-Audio division, that can really provide the support, focus, and fast development, including the participation in trade shows (like the rest of this Pro Audio Industry), offer a Pro-level communication, and feedback to their customers, focus on developing their own Pro Audio hardware, then, and only then would I feel that things have changed to the better.


For now, I work with Cubase 5, and find it more intuitive than LP8, it offers better work flow, advanced audio, midi, and many advanced features that are not available in LP8, or even in other DAWs on the market, cross platform compatible, Advanced Integration with Yamaha HW, the list goes on.


@ muziksculp, I completely agree with every word. I use Nuendo 4, but I know exactly how you feel about Steinberg.


@ MidiOpera Co. Luckily the part was a bongo part (so there were a pair of mics) so I had a basic idea of what the waveform was going to look like. I selected all unused and just scrolled through until I found it... Still, this is inexcusable.


@ Kraze, If your satisfied with NO updates in over a year, NO communication, NO support, and serious bugs, after having paid good money for Logic, then you must be the stupidest member on this forum.

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@bmdaugherty: I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. It seems like you're saying Logic is just fundamentally broken. My experience has been the opposite. Occasional very minor bug, but nothing out of the ordinary for any kind of software. Maybe kraze's experience is similar to mine. But I'm sure that if it was as broken for me as it appears to be for you, I'd be pissed as well.


Out of curiosity, aside from that weird deleting incident you mention above, what is typically making Logic so totally unusable for you? (and apologies if you've posted at length on these specifics elsewhere).

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No problem. It's probably just my particular workflow. I use no overlap mode exclusively, and make extensive use of the marquee tool. Logic never crashes, it's just a mind f*%@ for me. I feel like no matter where I leave a session, it will be somehow different from before.


For me there are things in nearly every aspect of Logic that cause me to really loath it.


From a navigational standpoint the things I experience are:


-zooming is very inconsistent, with various states based on what is selected and whatnot.

-once zoomed in you have to make sure the playhead is in view before making a marquee selection. otherwise when you make a marquee selection, the view catches the playhead and all of a sudden you are half way across the project and you have to find that one snare hit all over.

-You cant disable catch playhead when making a marquee selection, it turns itself back on

-media in the editor doesn't always match what I selected, audio and midi both.

-sometimes midi parts just disappear from the score view. Seems to always happen when clients are trying to read the part.

-when using the file browser, if you are sorting by date and have the top file selected (the most recent), if you add a new file to the directory, which would then be at the top of the list, it looks like logic has selected the new file as it is highlighted in the browser window. However, it is still linked to the old file. You have to click on another file and back to the first for it to update properly.

-garbled display

-when dragging regions, the waveform does not appear on the region you are dragging until you hit the window border and cause the display to scroll.

-window focus of the multi panel arrange window is terrible. I try to zoom in and it makes my mixer wider...

-5 or 6 tracks are always solo-safed when I open a project and no matter how many times I correct this, it reappears the next time I load the project

-if you show transport (bar at bottom of arrange, not transport window) on a project where the bar was hidden at load, the bar will not update location or button state.

-occasionally, when I try to reorder tracks in the arrange, i click and drag a track, bt when I release the mouse I discover that somehow I just moved the track above the one I clicked.

-Dragging audio file from browser snaps differently then dragging region from bin

-changing the main output routing breaks solo, click and audition unless you fiddle with the environment.

-sometimes scroll in play can be toggled on the fly, while other times you have to stop and play again for it to work.

-waveform zoom is inconsistant in new projects. Sometimes upon clicking the waveform zoom button the waveforms dissappear completely, which you can not do under normal conditions.


Editing/mixing issues:


-Undo does not always function

-flattened comps do not retain track names, or color

-comps move parts in time, deselect takes completely or just select a different take without me doing a thing. I finish recording, I go back to listen to the take and the previous take is selected.

-when I trim a region sometimes any region touching it will disappear or move itself on the timeline

-when I delete an unused channel and then create a new one, it still has the old channel's effects on it

-automation nodes turn square and are then locked permanently in place. This lags the display more than normal, and makes it so you have to rewrite those sections

-recording over a muted region causes weird behavior when editing or comping.

-lack of easily accessible hi resolution volume control. Yes I know automation has more resolution, why not just put it on the fader...

-exporting tracks as audio files is done prefader, so you have to use gain plugins and prefader metering to make sure files don't clip.

-intermittent loud bursts when inserting a plugin.

-Switching sample rate even though sync source is external

-no way to consistently, accurately spot to time code frame (you literally have to fiddle with it to get it to the proper frame)

-tape delay will not retain delay value of 0ms

-replace mode punches out incorrectly

-when undo does work it still is inconsistent as to what can be undone and what can't

-when punching in, even in quickpunch, if a midi track is armed or even selected when punching an audio track in for record, audio drops out.

-can NOT use sample accurate plugin automation with logic nodes. processor overload and then lost node every time.

-Sometimes trimming the beginning of a region causes causes the end to trim an arbitrary amount


Like I said, these issues are all pretty appearent when using logic in my particular workflow. It may be a mode I am in not agreeing with another mode that something else is in. Still these things scream beta test me...


Sureno, yes only .01 and .02. .02 is now just over a year old.


ALL I WANT IS FOR LOGIC'S CURRENT FEATURE SET TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY, AS IT WAS ADVERTISED. I'm not here to guess when logic 9 will come out, what features it should have, how much it will cost or anything. I don't care. I will not be purchasing it. However, apple needs to release a maintenance update for L8, for free, right now. I paid good money for this software and while it has never just hard crashed, it is NOTHING but headaches. (yes I tried all of the "fixes" listed on this forum, e.g. trashing prefs)


I don't want to discourage anyone from using logic. Seriously, if it works for you, more power to ya, but it certainly works like crap for me.

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bmdaugherty, as I'm sure you're aware, Apple has a 10 days full-refund-no-questions-asked policy, EVEN on software, which is something most other software companies don't even approach.


But if it's taken you two years to realize that Logic 8 is unusable, I'm afraid you don't have much of a case! :lol:

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No problem. It's probably just my particular workflow. I use no overlap mode exclusively, and make extensive use of the marquee tool. Logic never crashes, it's just a mind f*%@ for me. I feel like no matter where I leave a session, it will be somehow different from before.


For me there are things in nearly every aspect of Logic that cause me to really loath it.


From a navigational standpoint the things I experience are:


-zooming is very inconsistent, with various states based on what is selected and whatnot.

-once zoomed in you have to make sure the playhead is in view before making a marquee selection. otherwise when you make a marquee selection, the view catches the playhead and all of a sudden you are half way across the project and you have to find that one snare hit all over.

-You cant disable catch playhead when making a marquee selection, it turns itself back on

-media in the editor doesn't always match what I selected, audio and midi both.

-sometimes midi parts just disappear from the score view. Seems to always happen when clients are trying to read the part.

-when using the file browser, if you are sorting by date and have the top file selected (the most recent), if you add a new file to the directory, which would then be at the top of the list, it looks like logic has selected the new file as it is highlighted in the browser window. However, it is still linked to the old file. You have to click on another file and back to the first for it to update properly.

-garbled display

-when dragging regions, the waveform does not appear on the region you are dragging until you hit the window border and cause the display to scroll.

-window focus of the multi panel arrange window is terrible. I try to zoom in and it makes my mixer wider...

-5 or 6 tracks are always solo-safed when I open a project and no matter how many times I correct this, it reappears the next time I load the project

-if you show transport (bar at bottom of arrange, not transport window) on a project where the bar was hidden at load, the bar will not update location or button state.

-occasionally, when I try to reorder tracks in the arrange, i click and drag a track, bt when I release the mouse I discover that somehow I just moved the track above the one I clicked.

-Dragging audio file from browser snaps differently then dragging region from bin

-changing the main output routing breaks solo, click and audition unless you fiddle with the environment.

-sometimes scroll in play can be toggled on the fly, while other times you have to stop and play again for it to work.

-waveform zoom is inconsistant in new projects. Sometimes upon clicking the waveform zoom button the waveforms dissappear completely, which you can not do under normal conditions.


Editing/mixing issues:


-Undo does not always function

-flattened comps do not retain track names, or color

-comps move parts in time, deselect takes completely or just select a different take without me doing a thing. I finish recording, I go back to listen to the take and the previous take is selected.

-when I trim a region sometimes any region touching it will disappear or move itself on the timeline

-when I delete an unused channel and then create a new one, it still has the old channel's effects on it

-automation nodes turn square and are then locked permanently in place. This lags the display more than normal, and makes it so you have to rewrite those sections

-recording over a muted region causes weird behavior when editing or comping.

-lack of easily accessible hi resolution volume control. Yes I know automation has more resolution, why not just put it on the fader...

-exporting tracks as audio files is done prefader, so you have to use gain plugins and prefader metering to make sure files don't clip.

-intermittent loud bursts when inserting a plugin.

-Switching sample rate even though sync source is external

-no way to consistently, accurately spot to time code frame (you literally have to fiddle with it to get it to the proper frame)

-tape delay will not retain delay value of 0ms

-replace mode punches out incorrectly

-when undo does work it still is inconsistent as to what can be undone and what can't

-when punching in, even in quickpunch, if a midi track is armed or even selected when punching an audio track in for record, audio drops out.

-can NOT use sample accurate plugin automation with logic nodes. processor overload and then lost node every time.

-Sometimes trimming the beginning of a region causes causes the end to trim an arbitrary amount


Like I said, these issues are all pretty appearent when using logic in my particular workflow. It may be a mode I am in not agreeing with another mode that something else is in. Still these things scream beta test me...


Sureno, yes only .01 and .02. .02 is now just over a year old.


ALL I WANT IS FOR LOGIC'S CURRENT FEATURE SET TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY, AS IT WAS ADVERTISED. I'm not here to guess when logic 9 will come out, what features it should have, how much it will cost or anything. I don't care. I will not be purchasing it. However, apple needs to release a maintenance update for L8, for free, right now. I paid good money for this software and while it has never just hard crashed, it is NOTHING but headaches. (yes I tried all of the "fixes" listed on this forum, e.g. trashing prefs)


I don't want to discourage anyone from using logic. Seriously, if it works for you, more power to ya, but it certainly works like crap for me.


this is great!.. have you sent this to apple at all!???.. if not you should!.. have a serious moan! as i agree with you and so will lots of other people!.. and this is at @ David.., 10 days is a ridiculously short time to get to know a program!..

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Davie, maybe if I had been using Logic since it's first inception, I would have been able to identify these issues within 10 days... But, let's be real. Some of these issues took over a year to get to the bottom of.


I guess what I am saying is that the learning curve in Logic is steep enough that one would never simply default to "oh the program is broken", more likely "man I must be daft, what the hell is going on?"


When your new to software, you default to "it must just be that I don't understand how this program works.


Like I have said in previous posts, I took all the advice I could first, then after I had turned off airport, trashed my prefs (like a million times), fixed permissions, disabled dashboard... everything in order to avoid all of logics buggy behavior. It has taken me this long to come to the conclusion that Logic is the root cause.


I have not taken most of these things to apple because there is no concrete way to predictable reproduce a lot of it. Devs don't like repros like "i was editing audio and i trimmed a region. The region next to it disappeared". This is about it in the way of a repro... What they want is "open logic, start new project, preform steps a, b, c, and when preforming d you get a crash every time." Thats a repro. Most of these issues however, are intermittent, which is the worst kind of bug. This also represents to me that apple really does not understand the inner workings of logic. Writing software as a team or even groups of teams is a hideous idea, especially when you acquired the software prewritten... There's no way you can possible understand the scope of what your doing. I doubt that nobody on the original emagic team even knows what is going on with every part of the logic code.

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I'm usualy part of the most virulent logic 8 complain choir.


But what I read of your complains, are Logic limitations, like any other sofware has.


There's a big difference between Limitation that ususaly find workarounds,

and actual bugs that dont find any workarounds.


lets talk only about bugs, today.

Why ? Because the battle is now to have Apple Logic Deceloppers concentrate on fixing bugs,

and not adding a single more option, nore modifying the existing ones yet.

We need bug fixe updates, not another upgrade.

I repeat:

We dont want Apple to concentrate on adding more options, before main bugs are fixed:


The ones I can mention from my personnal everyday experience:


1-Overload abusive spikes, audio engin stops. No workaround.

Apple had respond by some wrong tip, non working.

2-Crashes , instability. No works around.

3- Broken hyper draw "other controler" window. . Boring works around,

time consuming, degradation from the way it was before.

If you're work is based on many controler manipulations, that bug will make you switch back to logicpro 7, if you're lucky to own it.

4-Time and pitch machine broken since version 7, for it's formant feature, called "harmonic correct", and also works a bit stupid in time stretching. Use to be all perfect !!

Apple certified Logic "trainers" nicely answers : "Why dont you buy Isotope radius, or melodyne ?" Radius is 399$, MelodyneStudio is 500 $ (the plug-in version is cheaper, but kills hi frequencies. )

Thank you trainers ! Why not just a fair honest answer, like "yes, you're right. Let's instist on that for Logic developpers to do something" Instead of

"Oh it does'nt happen to me !" Witch I doubt is true ! Is someone pissed off if I swear it's NOT TRUS TPM WORKS WELL ON INTEL MACS ?

If it's someone's job to support Apple more than users, let him do his job, but let's not dig it one sec.

We should never get used to these manners.



Yes, most of all, more than for the bugs them selves, the main thing users can legitimatly yell about is:

Apple NOT responding , not updating, stay distant , snobish and arrogant towards users.

Those who knew the Emagic era all feel they've lost

something : A minimum respect .

'm not gonna stop spreading that anger as much as my time alows me to, until clean answers have been given to Logic Pro buyers. ;

There are still bugs in version 7 that are unaceptable for a 900$ software.

8 has worse bugs, and they're gonna release a version 9 ?


It's war time !!!

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I'm usualy part of the most virulent logic 8 complain choir.


But what I read of your complains, are Logic limitations, like any other sofware has.


There's a big difference between Limitation that ususaly find workarounds,

and actual bugs that dont find any workarounds.


lets talk only about bugs, today.

Why ? Because the battle is now to have Apple Logic Deceloppers concentrate on fixing bugs,

and not adding a single more option, nore modifying the existing ones yet.

We need bug fixe updates, not another upgrade.

I repeat:

We dont want Apple to concentrate on adding more options, before main bugs are fixed:


The ones I can mention from my personnal everyday experience:


1-Overload abusive spikes, audio engin stops. No workaround.

Apple had respond by some wrong tip, non working.

2-Crashes , instability. No works around.

3- Broken hyper draw "other controler" window. . Boring works around,

time consuming, degradation from the way it was before.

If you're work is based on many controler manipulations, that bug will make you switch back to logicpro 7, if you're lucky to own it.

4-Time and pitch machine broken since version 7, for it's formant feature, called "harmonic correct", and also works a bit stupid in time stretching. Use to be all perfect !!

Apple certified Logic "trainers" nicely answers : "Why dont you buy Isotope radius, or melodyne ?" Radius is 399$, MelodyneStudio is 500 $ (the plug-in version is cheaper, but kills hi frequencies. )

Thank you trainers ! Why not just a fair honest answer, like "yes, you're right. Let's instist on that for Logic developpers to do something" Instead of

"Oh it does'nt happen to me !" Witch I doubt is true ! Is someone pissed off if I swear it's NOT TRUS TPM WORKS WELL ON INTEL MACS ?

If it's someone's job to support Apple more than users, let him do his job, but let's not dig it one sec.

We should never get used to these manners.



Yes, most of all, more than for the bugs them selves, the main thing users can legitimatly yell about is:

Apple NOT responding , not updating, stay distant , snobish and arrogant towards users.

Those who knew the Emagic era all feel they've lost

something : A minimum respect .

'm not gonna stop spreading that anger as much as my time alows me to, until clean answers have been given to Logic Pro buyers. ;

There are still bugs in version 7 that are unaceptable for a 900$ software.

8 has worse bugs, and they're gonna release a version 9 ?


It's war time !!!


this is great! make a petition! or something along those lines to get all us annoyed people to sign it with our disapproval of this total lack of communication with no bug fixes or updates in over a year now for logic 8 from apple!!!.. this is totally unacceptable and ridiculous behavior from anyone when it comes to just taking peoples hard earned cash and getting nothing..?.. i am really very anti apple now because of this total lack of respect to us music people with logic 8.., all i see everywhere on the internet is apples total focus on how much money they are making from their iphone?.. the move to windows 7 and cubase 5 or ableton 8 is looking like the go more and more each day apple dont say or do anything.

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. the move to windows 7 and cubase 5 or ableton 8 is looking like the go more and more each day apple dont say or do anything.


You know.. theres Cubase for OSX, isnt there ?. And gsus, all that whining.. i understand this if you get paid for this ? :lol:. And after you've jumped, you can start whining after you've got basic learned, since you will be dealing w/ software made by human.

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the move to windows 7 (...) is looking like the go more and more each day apple dont say or do anything.


If all you need is a company that announces products and date releases in advance, but you really don't care whether those announcements are true or will be respected, then yes, I would recommend moving to Windows. :lol:

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the move to windows 7 and cubase 5 or ableton 8 is looking like the go more and more each day apple dont say or do anything.


Haha, you're joking right? Windows? Welcome to bug city? Talk about driver problems and empty promises!!

And besides, which company is in the software/computer business to not make money?

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4-Time and pitch machine broken since version 7, for it's formant feature, called "harmonic correct",


Yeah, there's just something not quite so quaint about having to use a checkbox now, rather than the old dropdown menu to select On/Off. And it really got my goat when they changed that nice blue text background we used to have for the exact same feature in Logic 4.


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lol come on guys open your eyes to what people have been saying here.. you get no updates in a year with logic 8 yet with cubase etc you do?.. so why should i support apple when i only bought my macbookpro for logic 8.. i was a pc windows xp and cubase 4 user and i never ever had any problems crashes at all!, but my pc was 7 years old and then died.. anyway as i have said b4 cubase i find alot harder to work out then logic so i stuck with logic 8, logic is an easy program to figure out i like it lots but i do feel very frustrated a lot with apple and feel that if i had stuck with cubase and just gotten a new pc then i would be alot further in knowledge with the tools i want that cubase has had for ages now.. its all good guys its just frustration so i just really really hope at this wwdc event that they say something about a new logic update then i'll be happy!.. just some sort of official P.R from the apple/logic crew is all i would like instead of nothing!.
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